Slides for the 2019 Freshman Seminar

From the Earth to the Moon

Robert F. Stengel

Princeton University
Program of Freshman Seminars in the Residential Colleges

From the Earth to the Moon is a freshman seminar with a focus on space flight. We investigate the scientific, political, and economic factors that made Project Apollo possible and that frame current space projects. The seminar provides an introduction to orbital mechanics, launch, and re-entry, as well as to the basic principles of space-vehicle design and rocket propulsion, using flight from the earth to the moon and back as a focal point. We study space programs as portrayed in history and fiction, and we uncover the critical roles played by organizations, management principles, and budget. In the process, we witness the interplay between technological capabilities and social goals, between inward and outward thinking, between perception and actuality, between baseness and nobility of purpose. The Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) mission signals a renewed interest in continuing both manned and unmanned exploration of the moon. Many missions have progressed to the development phase, and many more are planned.

Twelve 3-hr seminars are given during the term. Slides used in the seminars are presented here. The portable document files may be downloaded for non-commercial, educational use only, with acknowledgment of the source. Several graphics found on the web are included without attribution. Any graphic material that is deemed to infringe on another's copyright will be promptly removed upon formal notification by the copyright holder.

Seminar Slides (pdf)

Syllabus and Course Reading

Other Course Slide Sets

Seminar Slides for Optimal Control and Estimation

Lecture Slides for Robotics and Intelligent Systems

Lecture Slides for Aircraft Flight Dynamics.

Lecture Slides for Space System Design.

 FRS 148, From the Earth to the Moon
last updated May 14, 2019,
Copyright 2019 by Robert F. Stengel. All rights reserved.