Robotics and Intelligent Systems: A Virtual Reference Book

Robotics and Intelligent Systems

A Virtual Reference Book

Robert F. Stengel

Princeton University
Princeton, NJ

September 12, 2017

The Robotics and Intelligent Systems Virtual Reference Book is an assemblage of bookmarks for web pages that contain educational material. The Table of Contents summarizes the Bookmarks Menu and provides links to each chapter. The Bookmarks Menu is organized to follow a logical sequence for lectures on robotics and intelligent systems. The items marked by asterisks (*) are especially important. Specific topics can be found using the "Search" feature of your web browser.

The majority of links in the Bookmarks Menu refer to sites contained at Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, which is published freely with a General Disclaimer. [As noted on the Wikipedia Main Page, Wikipedia is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.] All web pages can be modified or removed without notice, and Wikipedia is subject to unedited modifications by anyone, including experts and non-experts alike. Readers are cautioned that Wikipedia articles do not have the archival credibility of edited books and journals; however, no material that is known to be incorrect is referenced here.

Contents of the Robotics and Intelligent Systems Virtual Reference Book are subject to change. The current edition is indicated by the date shown above, and no backup version is maintained. The date of last revision is given below.

The Robotics and Intelligent Systems Virtual Reference Book html file may be downloaded freely for non-commercial, educational use only, with acknowledgment of the source in any publications that may follow. It conforms to the criteria outlined by Princeton University's Office of General Counsel's Copyright Basics. Any material that is deemed to infringe upon another's copyright will be promptly removed following verifiable notification by the copyright holder.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview and Preliminaries
  2. Mobile Robots, Position, and Orientation
  3. Translational and Rotational Dynamics
  4. Flying and Swimming Robots
  5. Articulated Robots
  6. Transformation, Path Planning, and Trajectories
  7. Time Response of Dynamic Systems
  8. Dynamic Effects of Feedback Control
  9. Analog and Digital Control Systems
  10. Sensors and Actuators
  11. Introduction to Optimization
  12. Numerical Optimization
  13. Dynamic Optimal Control
  14. Formal Logic, Algorithms, and Incompleteness
  15. Computers, Computing, and Sets
  16. Probability and Statistics
  17. Machine Learning
  18. Introduction to Neural Networks
  19. Shallow and Deep-Learning Neural Networks
  20. Information, Search, and Expert Systems
  21. State Estimation
  22. Stochastic Control
  23. Parameter Estimation and Adaptive Control
  24. Task Planning and Multi-Agent Systems

Copyright 2018 by Robert F. Stengel. All rights reserved, except to those items previously copyrighted or in the public domain.
Last updated May 7, 2018.
e-mail: stengel at

MAE 345 Virtual Reference Book 2017


- A. Robots and Robotics

-- i. Robot Design

Functional requirement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Requirements analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Specification (technical standard) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Design specification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Process modeling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Systems engineering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Project management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Analog computer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Self-Reconfiguring Modular Robotics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Design for Assembly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Design for manufacturability (IC) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Taguchi methods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Optimal design - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Engineering tolerance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Open-source hardware - Wikipedia
Rapid prototyping - Wikipedia
3D printing - Wikipedia
Laser cutting - Wikipedia
Fab lab - Wikipedia

-- ii. History of Robotics

Jacquard loom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Watt steam engine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Target drone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fire-control system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chemical plant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Telerobotics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Robotics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Microbotics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Robot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Autonomous robot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* History of robots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mechanism (engineering) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cyborg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- B. Intelligent Systems

* Artificial intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Systems theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Toward Intelligent Flight Control (pdf)
Computational intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Information science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
History of artificial intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Artificial consciousness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Systems biology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cognitive science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Positronic brain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Technological singularity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cyberbotics; Robot Curriculum - Wikibooks, collection of open-content textbooks
Systems thinking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- C. Ethics and Social Issues

* Three Laws of Robotics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Roboethics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Ethics of artificial intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Ethical Frontiers of Robotics -- Sharkey 322 (5909): 1800 -- Science
Cyberwarfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
International Humanitarian Law
DefenseLink News Article: Report Reflects Future for Military’s Unmanned Systems
Autonomous Vehicles in Support of Naval Operations
Umanned Ground Combat Vehicle Overview
Prospective Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operations in the Future National Airspace System
Unmanned combat air vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Unmanned ground vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wired for War

- D. Biological Antecedents

* Biomechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Biomimicry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Biophysics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Bionics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Biology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Excitable Cells

- E. Computation and Search Tools

* MATLAB - The Language Of Technical Computing
* Simulink - Simulation and Model-Based Design
* Stateflow - State chart design and development environment- Simulink
* Simscape
* Wolfram|Alpha
SimMechanics - Inverse Dynamics
Gantry robot simulation - MATLAB Central
Conversion of units - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
SolidWorks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Creo Elements/Pro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Microsoft Robotics
Google Scholar
SketchUp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- F. Class Participation

* Grading Class Participation

- G. Math Review

* Scalar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Vector - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Transpose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Dot product - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Derivative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Integral - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


- A. Ground Vehicles

-- i. Walking Robots

* Hexapod (robotics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Rhex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Passive dynamics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
JPL Robotics: System: The LEMUR Robots
Reactive walking machine AMOS-WD06

--ii. Rolling Robots

* Driverless car - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Radio-controlled model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Mars Exploration Rover - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Rocker-bogie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Lunokhod programme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Mars Science Laboratory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* PackBot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Grand Challenge Home
DARPA Urban Challenge
JPL Robotics: System: The ATHLETE Rover
Robotic Antarctic Meteorite Search
Princeton Autonomous Vehicle Engineering
Mars Exploration Rover Technical Data
Suspension (vehicle) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bicycle suspension - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bogie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
PatrolBot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Segway PT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Webots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Engineering vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Mobile robot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- B. Personal Assistance

* Domestic robot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Robots Help Japan Care For Its Elderly - Popular Mechanics
* Mental Commitment Robot [PARO]
* Robot X Security Guard Works For Less: Science Fiction in the News
Domo (robot) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Technology Review: Your Robotic Personal Assistant
RFID-kid tracking now enforced by the Secom Robot X - Engadget
New Robots Can Provide Elder Care For Aging Baby Boomers

- C. Games and Toys

AIBO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Furby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
PaPeRo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nao (robot) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wakamaru - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
QRIO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Roboreptile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wii Remote - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wii MotionPlus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
PlayStation 3 accessories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
FlyTech Dragonfly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stiquito - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
iCub - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
TOPIO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Creatures (artificial life program) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WarioWare: Twisted! - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
7 Awesome Kinect Applications
If you like Legos and robots, you will love TinkerBots — Tech News and Analysis

- D. Biological Antecedents

-- i. Locomotion

* Animal locomotion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Terrestrial locomotion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Running - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jumping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Swimming (sport) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Diving - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Angular Momentum Of Hurdle Clearance
Gait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gait (human) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jogging - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bipedalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Walking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quadrupedalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Free running - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Animals

Amphibian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hexapoda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Insect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Spider - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bird - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mammal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Snake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Walking fish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Real Wheel Animals - Part Two › In Depth (ABC Science)
Caterpillar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Flying and gliding animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Centipede - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Millipede - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- E. Coordinates and Coordinate Systems

* Euler angles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Robotics conventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Denavit-Hartenberg Parameters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Euclidean vector - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tensor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quaternion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anatomical terms of location - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Denavit Hartenburg Convention -- from Wolfram Library Archive
Spherical coordinate system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cylindrical coordinate system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Robot kinematics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Coordinates (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Sagittal plane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Coronal plane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Transverse plane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Coordinate system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Rotation (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Transformation matrix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


- A. Statics

* Statics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Mechanical equilibrium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Metastability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Statically indeterminate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- B. Physical Properties

* Rigid body - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Mass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Density - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Weight - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Gravitation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Moment of inertia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Parallel axis theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Spring (device) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Dashpot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of moments of inertia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of moment of inertia tensors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Flywheel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- C. Math Review

* Matrix (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Matrix multiplication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Matrix addition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Identity matrix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Invertible matrix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Unit vector - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Rotation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Translation (physics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Cartesian coordinate system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Euler angles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Forward kinematics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Rotation matrix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Homogeneous coordinates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Direction cosine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Isometry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- D. Motion, Momentum, and Energy

-- i. Translation

* Kinematics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Translation (geometry) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Velocity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Speed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Linear motion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Momentum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Airspeed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Rotation

* Rotation around a fixed axis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Angular velocity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Angular momentum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Cross product - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Cofactor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- iii. Energy

* Energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Joule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Work (physics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Potential energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Kinetic energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Rotational energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Scalar potential - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- E. Dynamics

-- i. Force and Acceleration

* Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Specific force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Acceleration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Jerk (physics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Jounce - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shock (mechanics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pressure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Friction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Frictionless plane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Traction (engineering) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Friction - Wikipedia

-- ii. Equations of Motion

* Equations of motion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Differential equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Numerical ordinary differential equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nanomechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Holonomic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nonholonomic system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Condition number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stiff equation - Wikipedia

Newton's laws of motion - Wikipedia
* Classical mechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Lagrangian mechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Hamiltonian mechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Euler's equations (rigid body dynamics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Applied mechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dynamical systems theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Inverse Dynamics
Open Dynamics Engine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- F. Vibration/Oscillation

* Vibration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Simple harmonic motion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Resonance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Harmonic oscillator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Limit-cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Van der Pol oscillator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Duffing equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Halo orbit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oscillation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- G. Numerical Integration

* Runge–Kutta methods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Linear multistep method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stiff equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Newton polynomial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Numerical smoothing and differentiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Automatic differentiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


- A. Air Vehicles

* Unmanned aerial vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Unmanned combat air vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Boeing ScanEagle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
MQ-1 Predator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
General Atomics Avenger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Intercontinental ballistic missile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cruise missile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ETH Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
ARES - A Proposed Mars Scout Mission - Glider
Sikorsky Cypher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RC flight simulator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Radio-controlled aircraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Radio-controlled helicopter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fixed-wing aircraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rotorcraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Missile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mars Flight - NASA Glenn Educational Programs Office

- B. Sea and Undersea Vehicles

* Remotely operated underwater vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Autonomous underwater vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Underwater glider - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
G7es torpedo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nereus (underwater vehicle) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mark 48 torpedo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
VA-111 Shkval - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Boat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Watercraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Submarine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Torpedo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- C. Space Vehicles

* Spacecraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Space probe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Robotic spacecraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Satellite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Phoenix (spacecraft) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mariner 10 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Voyager 1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Giotto mission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Spaceflight Now | Breaking News | Robotic satellite servicer rehearsal underway in orbit
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena: space robotics to explore other planets - The IET
ARES Mars Scout Mission Proposal - Multimedia
JPL Robotics: Research Tasks


- A. Robot Components

-- i. Links

* Lever - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Axle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Drive shaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Four bar linkage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Flange - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Joints

* Kinematic pair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Degrees of freedom (mechanics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Revolute joint - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Prismatic joint - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Cylindrical joint - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Screw joint - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Plane joint - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Ball joint - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Universal joint - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Constant-velocity joint - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Differential (mechanical device) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hinge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rod end bearing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- iii. Leverage, Gearing, and Transmission

* Gear - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Gear ratio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Epicyclic gearing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Harmonic drive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gear train - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Backlash (engineering) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of gear nomenclature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pulley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Belt (mechanical) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chain drive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Transmission (mechanics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Manual transmission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Clutch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Direct-Shift Gearbox - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Semi-automatic transmission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Automatic transmission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Continuously variable transmission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Torque converter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mechanical advantage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

K'Nex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Robotic arm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Linkage (mechanical) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Kinematic chain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
K'NEX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- B. Fixed-Base Robots

-- i. Robot Configurations

* Remote manipulator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Cartesian coordinate robot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* SCARA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* PUMA - Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Stewart platform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* End effector - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Machine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Open source hardware - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Canadarm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Canadarm2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dextre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stewart Platform

-- ii. Medical/Prosthetic Robots

* Robotic surgery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Laboratory robotics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Stereotactic surgery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Laparoscopic surgery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
da Vinci Surgical System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cyberknife - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sensei robotic catheter system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Robotics: the Future of Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery
Robot-Assisted Surgery: Glossary
The Pentagon's Bionic Arm - 60 Minutes - CBS News
Prosthetic feet

* Articulated robot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Industrial robot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Robotic surgery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Serial manipulator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Parallel manipulator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- C. Biological Antecedents

-- i. Systems

* Anatomy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Anatomical terms of location - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dorsum (anatomy) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Nervous system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Human musculoskeletal system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Human skeleton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Human position - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Respiratory system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Circulatory system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lymphatic system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Skin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gastrointestinal tract - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Somatosensory system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Arm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Human leg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Homeostasis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Links

* List of bones of the human skeleton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Vertebral column - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Arm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Hand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Finger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Foot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Osseous tissue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tissue (biology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ligament - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Leg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Leg bone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tibia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Femur - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fibula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Patella - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Neck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Human rib cage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pelvis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Forearm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Toe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- iii. Joints

* Shoulder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Elbow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Wrist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Hip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Knee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Ankle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Ball and socket joint - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abduction (kinesiology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Adduction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Extension (kinesiology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Flexion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Synovial joint - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Meniscus (anatomy) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Knuckle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- iv. Power and Energy

* Skeletal muscle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Cardiac muscle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Smooth muscle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Table of muscles of the human body - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Heart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oxygenation (medical) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Metabolism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Biceps brachii muscle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Biceps femoris muscle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Triceps brachii muscle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Triceps surae - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- D. Anthropomorphic Robots

* Humanoid robot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Robonaut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ASIMO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
REEM-B - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Robosapien v2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
BBC News - Nasa's Robonaut 2 scrubs up for space surgery
Actroid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Android - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Justin (robot) - Wikipedia
Atlas (robot) - Wikipedia
BigDog - Wikipedia
Legged Squad Support System - Wikipedia


- A. Transformations

* Transformation matrix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Rotation (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Rotation representation (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Simultaneous equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Indeterminate system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Cofactor (linear algebra) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Minor (linear algebra) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Euler's rotation theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quaternions and spatial rotation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Conversion between quaternions and Euler angles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Screw theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Indeterminate (variable) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Indeterminate equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Independent equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gimbal lock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- B. Path Planning

-- i. Tesselation

* Tessellation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Voronoi diagram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Nearest-neighbor interpolation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of uniform tilings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Uniform tessellation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vector quantization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Motion Planning

Motion planning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A* search algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
D* - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rapidly exploring random tree - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Probabilistic roadmap - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pebble motion problems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kinodynamic planning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mountain climbing problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Velocity obstacle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
OMPL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shortest path problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pathfinding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Interpolation - Wikipedia
Extrapolation - Wikipedia
Spline (mathematics) - Wikipedia
Smoothing spline - Wikipedia

- C. Trajectories

Trajectory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Equilibrium point - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Attractor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Steady state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Phase plane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Phase portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Limit-cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Isocline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lanchester's laws - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lotka–Volterra equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


- A. Systems

* Nonlinear system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Linear system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Time-invariant system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Autonomous system (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Physical system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Biochemical systems theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
System analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
System dynamics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dynamical systems theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chaos theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Poincaré map - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hysteresis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Distributed control system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Industrial control systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aircraft flight control system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aircraft engine controls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
FADEC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
HVAC control system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Power steering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Avionics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Regulator (automatic control) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- B. Linearization and Linear Systems

* Linear approximation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Linearization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Taylor series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Jacobian determinant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Power series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Finite difference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Divided differences - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Linear algebra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LTI system theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LTI system theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


- A. Control Systems and Theory

* Control theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Control system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Controller (control theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Automation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Feedback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Process control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Electronic stability control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Linear differential equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* State space (controls) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Controllability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Observability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Stability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Analog signal processing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Digital signal processing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Open-loop controller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Full state feedback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* State observer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Transfer function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Frequency response - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Instability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Feedback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Proportional control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Frequency compensation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Controllability Gramian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- B. Time Domain Analysis

* Initial value problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Transient response - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Damping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Hertz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Natural frequency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Damping ratio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dirac delta function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Impulse response - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Convolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Green's function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Heaviside step function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Step response - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rise time - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Overshoot (signal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Settling time - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Envelope (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Steady state (electronics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Integral transform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Amplitude - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Frequency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wavelength - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Phase (waves) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oscillation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ringing (signal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Longitudinal static stability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Directional stability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lissajous curve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Phase portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


- A. Analog Control

-- i. Transforms and Transfer Functions

Real number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Imaginary number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Complex number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Fourier transform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Laplace transform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Laplace transform applied to differential equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Transfer function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nyquist stability criterion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Minimum phase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Poles, Zeros, and Eigenvalues

* Characteristic polynomial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Eigenvalue, eigenvector and eigenspace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Complex plane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
S plane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Root locus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Closed-loop pole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- iii. Frequency-domain Analysis

* Bode plot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Nyquist plot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Nichols plot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- iv. Linear, Time-invariant (LTI) Controllers

* Lead-lag compensator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Closed-loop transfer function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* PI controller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* PID Tutorial
Bandwidth (signal processing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Low-pass filter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
High-pass filter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Band-pass filter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
MATLAB Central - Analog control

- B. Digital Control

-- i. Sampled-data Systems

* Sampled data systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Sampling rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Nyquist frequency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* State-transition matrix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Zero-order hold - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Quantization (signal processing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Digital control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gibbs phenomenon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aliasing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anti-aliasing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Analog-to-digital converter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Digital-to-analog converter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Discretization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bilinear transform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Transforms and Transfer Functions

Discrete system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Z-transform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Triangular spectrum and aliasing.
Discrete-time Fourier transform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- iii. Poles, Zero, and Eigenvalues

* Z-transform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- iv. Frequency-domain Analysis


-- v. Linear, Time-invariant (LTI) Controllers

Smith predictor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Digital filter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Least mean squares filter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Real-time computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
MATLAB Central - Digital control

MATLAB Central - Flight control
MATLAB Central - Robot Control


- A. Actuators and Actuation

-- i. Electromagnetic/static

* Electric actuator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Electric motor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* DC motor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Brushless DC electric motor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Stepper motor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ultrasonic motor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wax motor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Piezoelectric motor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Solenoid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Hydraulic/Pneumatic

* Hydraulic cylinder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Hydraulic motor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Pneumatic actuator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Pneumatic cylinder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Pneumatic motor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fluidics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hydraulics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pneumatics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Microfluidics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nanofluidics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Actuator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Linear actuator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Motor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Torque - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Servomechanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- B. Sensors and Sensing

-- i. Position, Stress, and Strain

* Potentiometer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Linear encoder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Linear variable differential transformer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Strain gauge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Rotary encoder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Magnetometer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Fluxgate compass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Rotary variable differential transformer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Synchro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Resolver (electrical) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Piezoelectricity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Force-Sensing Resistor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wheatstone bridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Compass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Displacement (vector) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Temperature

* Resistance thermometer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Thermocouple - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Thermistor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Bi-metallic strip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Infrared - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- iii. Air Data

* Pressure sensor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Pitot-static system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Total air temperature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Air Data Inertial Reference Unit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Air data computer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- iv. Radar, Sonar, and Lidar

* Radar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Sonar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* LIDAR - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Laser rangefinder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Doppler radar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Continuous-wave radar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pulse-Doppler radar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
GNSS reflectometry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Doppler effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
SODAR - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Radio frequency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Phased array - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Active Electronically Scanned Array - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sonar Ranging Primer

-- v. Inertial Measurement

* Inertial measurement unit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Accelerometer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Piezoelectric accelerometer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Gyroscope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Rate integrating gyroscope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Fibre optic gyroscope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Ring laser gyroscope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Vibrating structure gyroscope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Attitude indicator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Attitude and Heading Reference Systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hemispherical Resonator Gyro
Precession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Miniature Inertial Measurement Unit (MIMU) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Microelectromechanical systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Coriolis effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sagnac effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- vi. Guidance and Navigation

--- a. Satellite Navigation

*Global navigation satellite system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
*Global Positioning System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Differential GPS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Galileo (satellite navigation) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
GLONASS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Multilateration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pseudorange - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
GPS signals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Atomic clock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Local Area Augmentation System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wide Area Augmentation System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
StarFire (navigation system) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
GNSS Augmentation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Joint Precision Approach and Landing System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Transit (satellite) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

--- b. Inertial Navigation

* Inertial navigation system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Gimbal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Gimbal lock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Schuler tuning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Space Integrated GPS/INS (SIGI) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Advanced Inertial Reference Sphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dead reckoning - Wikipedia

--- c. Radio Navigation

* Radio navigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Non-Directional Beacon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Radio direction finder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* VHF omnidirectional range - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Distance measuring equipment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* LORAN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Instrument landing system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Instrument approach - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Microwave landing system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Autoland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Electric beacon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
OMEGA Navigation System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Decca Navigator System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tactical Air Navigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wind triangle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Celestial navigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Air navigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
GPS/INS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Navigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Proportional navigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pursuit guidance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Q-guidance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Radar tracker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Automotive navigation system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Spherical trigonometry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Dead reckoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Spherical geometry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Great-circle distance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- vii. Imaging and Vision

* Machine vision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Computer vision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Digital image processing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Image sensor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Video camera - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Medical imaging - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Photodiode - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Charge-coupled device - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Computer graphics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Optical flow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Frame grabber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Segmentation (image processing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Edge detection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thresholding (image processing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Facial recognition system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Smart camera - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kinect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Sense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Sensor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Stress (mechanics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Deformation (mechanics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Distance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Angle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Temperature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Haptic technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- C. Components and Mechanisms

-- i. Electrical

Resistor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Capacitor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Inductor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RLC circuit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Commutator (electric) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Slip ring - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thermostat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Microelectromechanical systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bluetooth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wi-Fi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Mechanical/Fluidic

Hydraulic manifold - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Swashplate (helicopter) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Helical camshaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Valve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- D. Biological Antecedents

-- i. Neurons

* Neuron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Nerve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
*Pseudounipolar neuron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Bipolar cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Multipolar neuron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Interneuron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Optic nerve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Retinal ganglion cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Unipolar neuron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gamma motoneuron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alpha motor neuron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Biological Neuron
Basic Neural Processes Tutorials
A delta fiber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Group C nerve fiber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Actuation

* Muscles
* Muscle Physiology - Introduction to Muscle
* Agonist (muscle) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Antagonist (muscle) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Neuromuscular junction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Learning the muscular System
Tendon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stretch reflex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Synergist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Extrafusal muscle fiber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Intrafusal muscle fiber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tonic (physiology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Howstuffworks "How Muscles Work"

-- iii. Sensing

* Biosensor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Sensory receptor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Receptor (biochemistry) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Mechanoreceptor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Thermoreceptor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Nociceptor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Chemosensor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Photoreceptor cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Proprioception - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Vestibular system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Inner ear - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Evolution of the eye - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Eye - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cone cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rod cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Amacrine cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Retina horizontal cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Photosensitive ganglion cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Retina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Halteres - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cochlea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Labyrinth (inner ear) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Muscle spindle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nuclear chain fiber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cutaneous receptor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Meissner's corpuscle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pacinian corpuscle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Merkel nerve ending - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ruffini ending - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Free nerve ending - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
TRPV1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Transient receptor potential channel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Baroreceptor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Baroreflex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nociception - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Olfaction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Sensory system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Muscle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sensory nerve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Motor neuron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Afferent nerve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Efferent nerve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Skeletal muscle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Medulla oblongata - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tongue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ear - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


- A. Functions

* Function (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Domain of a function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Range (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Curvature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Stationary point - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Inflection point - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Saddle point - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Maxima and minima - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Gradient - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Hessian matrix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Convex function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Concave function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Constraint (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Arg max - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Codomain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- B. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions

* Necessary and sufficient condition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* First derivative test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Second derivative test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Lagrange multipliers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- C. Numerical Methods

* Gradient descent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Conjugate gradient method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Line search - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Dynamic programming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Numerical differentiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
MATLAB Central - Linear programming
MATLAB Central - Numerical differentiation

* Optimization (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


- A. Least-Squares Estimation of Constant Vectors

Average - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Least squares - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Quadratic form - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Weighted mean - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Regression analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Linear regression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Correlation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- i. PseudoInverse

* Generalized inverse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Probability Distributions

* Probability distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of probability distributions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- B. Static Numerical Optimization

* Optimization (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Hessian matrix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Newton&'s method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Newton's method in optimization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Gradient descent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Golden section search - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Conjugate gradient method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Robust optimization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
MATLAB Central - Newton's method
MATLAB Central - Newton Raphson algorithm
MATLAB Central - Gradient descent
MATLAB Central - Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
MATLAB Central - Conjugate gradient algorithm
Minion (solver) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


- A. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions

* Calculus of variations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Euler–Lagrange equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Hamiltonian (control theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Costate equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Legendre–Clebsch condition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Pontryagin's minimum principle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bellman equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Singular control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Optimal control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Trajectory optimization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Category:Optimal control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bang-bang control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- B. Numerical Methods

* Gradient descent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Conjugate gradient method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Line search - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Numerical differentiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Dynamic programming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Category:Dynamic programming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Linear programming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Simplex algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quadratic programming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
MATLAB Central - Trajectory optimization (Robot GA)
MATLAB Central - Line search
MATLAB Central - Dynamic programming
MATLAB Central - Simplex algorithm
MATLAB Central - Quadratic programming

- C. Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control

* Linear-quadratic regulator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Algebraic Riccati equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
MATLAB Central - LQR
MATLAB Central - Riccati equation
* Riccati equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


- A. Formal Logic

* Mathematical logic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Semantics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Syntax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Logic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Premise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Argument - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Logical consequence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Inference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Formal system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Laws of classical logic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Validity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- i. Reasoning

* Reasoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Deductive reasoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Inductive reasoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Concept learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Deduction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Forms of Inference

* Well-formed formula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Axiom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Axiomatic system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Boolean algebra (logic) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Godel's incompleteness theorems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Calculus (disambiguation) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- iii. Propositional Calculus

* Logical constant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Symbol (formal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. Propositions

* Proposition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Propositional calculus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Rule of inference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Propositional formula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Antecedent (logic) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Consequent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Propositional variable - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Principle of bivalence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Operators

* Logical connective - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Binary operation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Unary operation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Logical conjunction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Logical disjunction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Negation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Material conditional - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* If and only if - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Logical equality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Modus ponens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* De Morgan's laws - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. Truth and Fallacy

* Truth value - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Truth table - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Tautology (logic) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Fallacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Liar paradox - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Table of logic symbols - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- iv. Number Systems

a. Number Bases

* Natural number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Numeral system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Binary numeral system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Bit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Quaternary numeral system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Octal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Byte - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Decimal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Hexadecimal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Roman numerals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. Fixed and Floating Point

* Fixed-point arithmetic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Floating point - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Decimal floating point - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Significant figures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Single precision floating-point format - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Double precision floating-point format - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Logarithms and Exponentials

* Logarithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Logarithmic scale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Natural logarithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Common logarithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Complex logarithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Logarithm of a matrix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Exponential function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Matrix exponential - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Domain of discourse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Symbolic logic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Statement (logic) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Proposition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
History of writing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Storytelling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cuneiform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- B. Computing

* Calculator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Computer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Computer numbering formats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Alphabet (computer science) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* String (computer science) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- i. Algorithms

* Algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Algorithm characterizations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of algorithms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Euclidean algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Trigonometric functions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Methods of computing square roots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Turing Machine

* Turing machine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Church-Turing thesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Universal Turing machine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lambda calculus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Turing Test Page
Turing Digital Archive Home Page
Turing Machine
The Church-Turing Thesis
Computable function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LEGO Turing machine

-- iii. Programming

* Operating system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Formal semantics of programming languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Machine code - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Low-level programming language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Assembly language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Object file - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Interpreter (computing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Compiler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Programming language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lists of programming languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Interpreted language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Virtual machine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Emulator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Program optimization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Robot software - Wikipedia

High-level programming language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
History of computing hardware - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Curta calculator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Apollo Guidance Computer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chisanbop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Polymerase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ribosome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sentence (mathematical logic) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Slide rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abacus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Napier's bones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
FLOPS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nomogram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Model of computation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RetroCalculators - A Webzeum of Mechanical Calculators Ingenious
Arduino - Wikipedia
Comparison of single-board computers - Wikipedia
Raspberry Pi - Wikipedia
PX4 autopilot - Wikipedia


- A. Programming Languages

* Computer program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Computer software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Scripting language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Procedural programming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Imperative programming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Declarative programming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Object-oriented programming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Programming paradigm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Source code - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dynamic programming language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Functional programming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Logic programming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Side effect (computer science) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
GoTo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Label (programming language) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Structured programming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- i. Traditional Languages

Fortran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
C (programming language) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LISP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Prolog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
CLIPS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LOGO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Smalltalk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Simula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fortran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
BASIC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
C (programming language) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pascal (programming language) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ALGOL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
PL/I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
JOVIAL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Modern Languages

MATLAB - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Simulink - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stateflow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
HTML - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
XML - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Java (software platform) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Python (programming language) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
C Sharp (programming language) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
C++ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Perl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
VRML - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
GridWorld - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wolfram Mathematica - Wikipedia
R (programming language) - Wikipedia
Comparison of numerical analysis software - Wikipedia
Simulink - Wikipedia
FreeMat - Wikipedia
GNU Octave - Wikipedia
LabVIEW - Wikipedia
Scilab - Wikipedia

Linux - Wikipedia
Robot Operating System - Wikipedia
Robotics middleware - Wikipedia

- B. Crisp Logic

* Predicate logic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* First-order logic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Atomic formula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Existential quantification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Universal quantification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Quantification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- C. Sets

* Set (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Subset - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Venn diagram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Set theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Null set - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Union (set theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Intersection (set theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Complement (set theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Transitive relation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Symmetry in mathematics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reflexive relation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Element (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Equivalence relation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lebesgue measure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- D. Fuzzy Logic and Sets

* Fuzzy set - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Fuzzy logic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Possibility theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Defuzzification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Fuzzy set operations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Fuzzy control system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rough set - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Degree of truth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dempster–Shafer theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Transferable belief model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fuzzy Logic FAQ
Membership function (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Table of mathematical symbols - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
GitHub - Wikipedia


- A. Probability Theory and Distributions

-- i. Distribution Characteristics

* Moment (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
*Median - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Mode (statistics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
*Mean - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Variance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Standard deviation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Skewness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Kurtosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Standardized moment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Taylor expansions for the moments of functions of random variables - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Second moment method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Individual Distributions

* Continuous probability distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Discrete probability distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Probability density function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Probability mass function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Cumulative distribution function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Uniform distribution (continuous) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Normal distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Log-normal distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Bimodal distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Matrix normal distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Multivariate normal distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Student's t-distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Multivariate Student distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
F-distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bernoulli trial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bernoulli distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Binomial distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Poisson distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hypergeometric distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rayleigh distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Weibull distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Noncentral t-distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hotelling's T-square distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Noncentral F-distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gamma function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Beta function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Beta distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Logistic regression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pareto distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Likelihood function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Poisson process - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bernoulli process - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- iii. Joint and Conditional Distributions

* Joint probability distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Conditional probability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Prior probability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Bayes's; theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Bayesian inference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Covariance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Likelihood principle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Event (probability theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Expected value - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Probability theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Law of large numbers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Central limit theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Illustration of the central limit theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Imprecise probability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- B. Correlation

* Time series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Covariance matrix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Autocovariance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Autocorrelation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Cross-correlation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Stationary process - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Ergodic (adjective) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Outer product - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- C. Spectral Analysis

* Fourier series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Spectral density - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Spectral density estimation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Basis function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fourier transform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fast Fourier transform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Discrete Fourier transform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Discrete-time Fourier transform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Short-time Fourier transform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wavelet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chirplet transform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Periodogram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Noise spectral density - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- D. Random Variables and Processes

* Random variable - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Multivariate random variable - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* White noise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Colors of noise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Markov process - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gaussian noise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Random walk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stochastic process - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Markov chain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Partially observable Markov decision process - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- E. Statistics and Hypothesis Testing

Statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Random sample - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Multivariate statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Statistical inference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Histogram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Frequency (statistics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sample mean and sample covariance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Standard deviation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Statistical dispersion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Root mean square - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Robust measures of scale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Robust statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glossary of experimental design - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Null hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alternative hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Statistical hypothesis testing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Confidence interval - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Factor analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Student's t-test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Student's t-statistic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Likelihood-ratio test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chi-square test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pearson's chi-square test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Median test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
F-statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Score (statistics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fisher information - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fisher information metric - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fisher's exact test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cramér–Rao bound - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
False discovery rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kullback–Leibler divergence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Estimation of covariance matrices - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Decision theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Game theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Conditional expectation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Probability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Probability - Wikibooks, collection of open-content textbooks
* Statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glossary of probability and statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of probability topics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of statistics topics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Probability axioms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Occam's razor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bioinformatics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


- A. Schemata

* Decision tree - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Bayesian network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Decision theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Collective intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tree (data structure) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tree (graph theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Case-Based Reasoning
Schema - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Star schema - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Snowflake schema - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ontology (information science) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Commonsense knowledge base - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Getting to YES - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- B. Learning Theory

-- i. Information Theory and Entropy

* Information theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Bayesian inference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Entropy (information theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Shannon index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Joint entropy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Conditional entropy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Differential entropy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cross entropy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kullback–Leibler divergence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Probably approximately correct learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Formation matrix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Graph and Game Theory

* Game theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Graph theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Spanning tree (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Laplacian matrix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glossary of game theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Computational learning theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Curse of dimensionality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- C. Learning Algorithms

-- i. Decision Trees and Graphs

* Search algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* ID3 algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* ID3
* C4.5 algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Depth-first search - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Breadth-first search - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Bidirectional search - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Best-first search - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alpha-beta pruning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bellman-Ford algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pruning (algorithm) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Optimal and Sub-Optimal Search

* Searching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Hill climbing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* A* search algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Q-learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Reinforcement learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dijkstra's algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Viterbi algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Temporal difference learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Expectation-maximization algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Boosting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
P versus NP problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* List of machine learning algorithms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- D. Learning Applications

* Travelling salesman problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Computer vision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Pattern recognition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Object recognition (computer vision) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Fault detection and isolation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
NN Traveling Salesman
SA Traveling Salesman
GA Travelling Salesman
Travelling Salesman
English draughts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chess - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Backgammon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cluedo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Go (game) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Five in a Row (game) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Google Search Technology
Failure mode and effects analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Adaptive system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Complex adaptive system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- E. Consciousness, Memory, and the Mind

-- i. Consciousness

* Consciousness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Preconscious - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Unconscious mind - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Subconscious - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Attention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Memory

* Working memory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Long-term memory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Short-term memory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Long-term potentiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sensory memory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Visual memory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Synaptic plasticity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Memory consolidation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Emotion and memory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Portal:Thinking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of thought processes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Executive functions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Thought - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Machine learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Markov decision process - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Portal:Artificial intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Expert system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Inference engine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Knowledge base - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Production system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Data mining - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Association rule learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Subsumption architecture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Multidimensional scaling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sammon's projection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of machine learning algorithms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Data warehouse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Knowledge Acquisition and Documentation Structuring - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cybernetics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Feature learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Machine Learning with MATLAB
Deep Learning Toolbox - File Exchange - MATLAB Central
Software links « Deep Learning
Boltzmann machine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vanishing gradient problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Principal component analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Cluster analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Unsupervised learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Support vector machine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Neural network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Linear classifier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Supervised learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Supervised learning - Wikipedia
Unsupervised learning - Wikipedia
Competitions | Kaggle


- A. Network Structures

* Perceptron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* ADALINE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Multilayer perceptron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Radial basis function network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Self-organizing map - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* k-nearest neighbor algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Recurrent neural network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Adaptive resonance theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An Introduction to Neural Networks
Interactive Self-Organizing Map demonstrations (in Java)
ART Neural Network - Adaptive Resonance Theory

- B. Biological Antecedents

* Neuron
* Soma (biology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Action potential - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Biological neural network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Axon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Dendrite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Neurotransmitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Central pattern generator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Purkinje cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pyramidal cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Axon hillock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chemical synapse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Synaptic vesicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cardiac pacemaker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Axon terminal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hodgkin–Huxley model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Soliton model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Membrane potential - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ion channel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Threshold potential - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Depolarization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Myocyte - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Postsynaptic potential - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Neural coding - Wikipedia

* Neural network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Artificial neural network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Sigmoid function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Logistic function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


- A. Training

* Backpropagation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* k-means clustering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Neural network software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Hebbian theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Training set - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Deep learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- B. Validation

* Cross-validation (statistics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Overfitting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Random error - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Resampling (statistics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Random permutation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Convolutional neural network - Wikipedia
Deep learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


* Monte Carlo method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Random number generation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Simplex algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Nelder-Mead method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- A. Classification of Data Sets

-- i. Distance Metrics

* Metric (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Norm (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Euclidean distance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Taxicab geometry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mahalanobis distance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chebyshev distance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Minkowski distance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hamming distance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Clusters

* Cluster analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Nearest neighbor search - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* k-means clustering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Fuzzy clustering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Principal component analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Singular value decomposition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sampling (statistics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cluster sampling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- iii. Discriminants

* Decision boundary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Binary classification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hyperplane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Convex set - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hypersurface - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Linear separability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
VC dimension - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Model selection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- iv. Trees and Structures

* Tree structure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Hierarchical clustering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Dendrogram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Graph theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Community structure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Spanning tree - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hierarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- v. Statistical Tests

* Accuracy and precision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Sensitivity and specificity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* ROC - Receiver operating characteristic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Student's t-test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* F-test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Analysis of variance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Goodness of fit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Verification and validation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Type I and type II errors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Odds ratio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hazard ratio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Normality test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Non-parametric statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Confusion matrix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mann–Whitney U - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wilcoxon signed-rank test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Positive predictive value - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Negative predictive value - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gain (information retrieval) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Linear discriminant analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quadratic classifier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oversampling and undersampling in data analysis - Wikipedia

- B. Simulated Annealing

* Simulated annealing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Greedy algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Metropolis–Hastings algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tabu search - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Annealing Applet | Heaton Research
Simulated Annealing Information, Taygeta Scientific Inc.
MATLAB Central - Simulated annealing algorithms

- C. Genetic Algorithms

* Holland's schema theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Genetic algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Chromosome (genetic algorithm) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Crossover (genetic algorithm) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Mutation (genetic algorithm) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Fitness function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Genetic programming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
MATLAB Central - Genetic algorithms
* Evolutionary computation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- D. Particle Swarm Optimization

* Swarm intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Particle swarm optimization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Biologically Inspired Robot - Bourquin
Particle Swarm Optimization: Tutorial
Particle Swarm Central
MATLAB Central - Swarm algorithms
MATLAB Central - Particle Swarm Optimization Toolbox

- E. Biological Antecedents

-- i. Genetics

* Evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Genetic code - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Chromosome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Gene - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Nucleotide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Alternative splicing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Allele - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Chromosomal crossover - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Mutation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Genetics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reproduction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Central dogma of molecular biology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cell cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Collective Behavior

* Flocking (behavior) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Swarm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Herd behavior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Shoaling and schooling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Collective behavior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sociobiology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Behavioral ecology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Collective consciousness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Collective unconscious - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Collective animal behavior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Social group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Spontaneous order - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Crowd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Flash mob - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Crowd psychology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bandwagon effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mass hysteria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ochlocracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Herd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- F. Related Math and Computation

* Global optimization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Markov chain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Markov chain Monte Carlo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Cellular automaton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Life-like cellular automaton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Boltzmann distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Annealing (metallurgy) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Annealing (glass) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Conway's Game of Life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No free lunch in search and optimization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
MATLAB Central - GODLIKE - A robust single-& multi-objective optimizer
Polytope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Simplex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Informatik 12 - MOEA


* Wiener filter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Kalman filter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Observability Gramian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Extended Kalman filter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Ensemble Kalman filter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Particle filter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Brownian motion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Linear prediction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martingale (probability theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nonlinear filter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kushner equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Zakai equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Particle filter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Simultaneous localization and mapping - Wikipedia
List of SLAM Methods - Wikipedia
Monte Carlo localization - Wikipedia
Multi Autonomous Ground-robotic International Challenge - Wikipedia


- A. Stochastic Control

* Linear-quadratic regulator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Kalman filter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Separation principle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Linear-quadratic-Gaussian control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Dual control theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Optimal projection equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Additive white Gaussian noise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dynamic programming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- B. Robust Linear Control

* PID controller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quantitative feedback theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
H-infinity loop-shaping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
H-infinity methods in control theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Minimum energy control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- C. Failure Tolerance

* Fail-safe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Fault-tolerant design - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Fault-tolerant system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Mean time between failures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Failure rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Redundancy (engineering) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mean time to repair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fault detection and isolation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- D. Nonlinear Control

* Nonlinear control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Describing function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Circle criterion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Lyapunov stability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Feedback linearization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lyapunov function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lyapunov exponent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sliding mode control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Variable structure control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Backstepping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Small-gain theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Deadband - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Stochastic control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Robust control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Adaptive control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


- A. Parameter Estimation

* System identification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Self-organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mathematical model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Realization (systems) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
White box (software engineering) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Black box - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eigensystem realization algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Frequency domain decomposition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Optimal design - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- B. Adaptive Control

* Gain scheduling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
*Self-tuning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Adaptive filter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Intelligent control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Control reconfiguration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Model predictive control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cerebellum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


- A. Task Planning and Execution

-- i. Situation Awareness

* OODA loop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Situation awareness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* SLAM - Simultaneous localization and mapping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Intelligence collection management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Competitive intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Business intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Predictive analytics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Measurement and Signature Intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wireless sensor network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fog of war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Robotic mapping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- ii. Communities and Networks

* Network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Social network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Small-world network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Connectivity (graph theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Scalability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Scale-free network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Niche apportionment models - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Small world experiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Six degrees of separation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Peer-to-peer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Client-server - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cloud computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Organizational hierarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Network-centric organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Network topology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Scale-free network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Collective intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- iii. Strategy/Tactic Development and Implementation

* SWOT analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Decision making - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Motion planning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Probabilistic roadmap - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rapidly exploring random tree - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Satisficing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pareto efficiency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Design of experiments - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Info-gap decision theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
C4ISTAR - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Network-centric warfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Swarm robotics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Ant robotics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Six Sigma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bayesian network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- B. Intelligent Agents

* Intelligent agent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Software agent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Multi-agent system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Boids (Flocks, Herds, and Schools: a Distributed Behavioral Model)
Software Agents
AgentSheets - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Social software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
History of Intelligent Agents
Intelligent Agents Project

- C. Human-Machine Applications

Virtual reality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Semantic Web - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Embedded system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Real-time operating system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Clinical decision support system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Speech recognition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Web search engine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ambient intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ubiquitous computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Internet of Things - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Human-centered computing (discipline) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Human-computer interaction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Brain-computer interface - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sentient computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wearable computer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jess, the Java Expert System Shell
Knowledge management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Database management system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Decision support system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Artificial Intelligence Marketing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wiki (software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Web 2.0 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Maslow's hierarchy of needs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fundamental human needs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Experimental philosophy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Assembly Robots

Baxter, Sawyer Robot

Home · RethinkRobotics/sdk-docs Wiki · GitHub
New Approach Trains Robots to Match Human Dexterity and Speed -
Hardware Specifications - sdk-wiki
How Rethink Robotics Built Its New Baxter Robot Worker - IEEE Spectrum
Sawyer: Rethink Robotics Unveils New Robot - IEEE Spectrum
Clearpath Puts Baxter on Wheels, Announces Ridgeback Mobile Base - IEEE Spectrum

Giant Robot Will Build Huge Composite Parts
Mother Robots Build Children Robots to Experiment With Artificial Evolution - IEEE Spectrum
Meet SAM, a £330,000 robot that lays bricks four times faster than a human [Video]
Robots to 3D print gravity-defying steel bridge in mid-air over Amsterdam canal

Fixed-Base Robots, Links, Joints

Soft Robots: Make An Artificial Muscle Arm And Gripper
i-Snake® wins ICRA Best Medical Robotics Paper Award
Physics by Demonstrations
Bones & Joints
Stewart Platform
Service Robots: Rise of the Machines (Again) - BusinessWeek
How the Tesla Model S is Made -- Behind The Scenes -- The Window - Wired - YouTube
PMM Relocation Animation - YouTube
Accumold | Leader of The Micro Molding & Injection Molding Companies
Accumold is a micro molding company. Micro mold can be used in complex parts such as micro electronics, automotive, fiber optic, medical, military equipment and more. Looking for Injection molding companies, look no further than the experts at Accumold.

Medical Robots

Miniature Surgical Robots
Robotic Knee Surgery, MAKOplasty Procedure, Houston Texas
The Next Generation of Surgical Robots - IEEE - The Institute

Hand, Foot Modeling

Human Finger Modeling
Robot Hand Modeling
Soft Finger Manipulation
IEEE Xplore Abstract - A Muscle-Reflex Model That Encodes Principles of Legged Mechanics Produces Human Walking Dynamics an...

Robotic Vehicles

Androids, Walking Robots

Darpa's Next Grand Challenge: Build Us Lifelike, Humanoid Robots | Danger Room |
Boston Dynamics’ robot animals might give ‘Battlestar Galactica’ fans night terrors - Ideas@Innovations - The Washington Post
Robot Programming by Demonstration - Imitation Learning - Humanoids
Communication Robots as Partners in Sharing Experiences, from ATR KYOTO - White Papers, Webcasts and Case Studies - TechRepublic
Teams build robots that walk like humans - MIT News Office
Robot serves sake - Karakuri Dolls Products. Hai-mochi Doll
Honda Worldwide | ASIMO
ASIMO Humanoid Robot - Honda Robotic Technology Tours N America
Edsinger Domo
BBC News - How 'robot legs' for stroke patients work
Getting a Grip: Building the Ultimate Robotic Hand
IROS 2013: JPL's Microspine Rock-Climbing Robot - IEEE Spectrum
JPL Designing Spiny-Fingered Grippers for Robotic Drilling on Asteroids - IEEE Spectrum
▶ JPL's Rock Climbing Robot - YouTube
Robotic chimp could one day roam the moon -
Human Walking
DARPA Robotic Challenge
Journal of Field Robotics - 32, 3 - DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC)
The hard lessons of DARPA's robotics challenge [News]
Journal of Field Robotics - Volume 32, Issue 3 - DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) - Wiley Online Library

AUVs, Flying Submarine

From sea to sky: Submarines that fly - tech - 05 July 2010 - New Scientist
Cormorant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lake Aircraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Submersible aircraft coming out of the water - YouTube
Submersible aircraft going under water - YouTube
YouTube - Brandt's Cormorant diving for fish
YouTube - Cormorant underwater at Monestary Beach in Monterey, CA
YouTube - Cormorant Fishing in Yangshuo, China
Submersible aircraft takes first flight - YouTube

Rolling Ground Vehicles

Roomba Matlab :: Joel M. Esposito, Ph.D. :: USNA
iRobot Brings Visual Mapping and Navigation to the Roomba 980 - IEEE Spectrum
Meet Cozmo | Anki

UAVs, Drones

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Registration
Drone Formation Flying.... Just Push Play! - DIY Drones
I finally put some time and effort into an integration between Dronekit Python and the Systems Tool Kit (STK) software this past weekend.  My goal was to be…

research.snake_robot – CIIS
NASA - Printable Spacecraft: Flexible Electronic Platforms for NASA Missions
Printable Spacecraft
Watch Festo’s robotic dragonfly take flight - Ideas@Innovations - The Washington Post
MIT Leg Lab's Spring Flamingo Robot
Pilot Guide - Crossbow, Smarter Sensors in Silicon
BBC News - Flying insect-like robot Gimball can crash and recover
Acroname Articles: Back-EMF Motion Control Feedback
Tomato and cherry tomato harvesting robot
Aerosonde - Welcome
Johnson & Johnson
Armed Robotic Vehicle (ARV) UGV
ParkZone Vapor RTF Micro RC Plane from Hobby-Lobby!
Crusher - futuristic Unmanned Ground Combat Vehicle
MDI Enterprises S.A. - Air compressed cars - Flowair - Clean cars - Sustainable technology.
Army Robots: Will Humans Still Be in Control? - TIME
ION Robotic Lawnmower Competition
A Soldier’s Eye in the Sky -
Roboboat? - At War Blog -
Products Radix Marine
Observatory - Wing Design Is Behind Added Lift for Locusts -
Steering Behaviors
Next Generation of Moon Rovers May Ride On Canadian Beanbag Wheels | Popular Science
A Robot With Coffee-Filled Balloons For Hands Is The Best Grabber Yet | Popular Science
DARPA wants drone to hunt like a hawk | Computerworld - Crowdsourcing for UAV Innovation
Leaping Lunar Landers! | Space Exploration | Air & Space Magazine Update - August 2011
Manta Machines
Robots and the end of war as we know it - Ideas@Innovations - The Washington Post
Eagle With Camera Dives From World's Tallest Skyscraper - NBC
Pocketbots | Danger Room |
BLDGBLOG: Flying Robotic Construction Cloud
Roving robotic scarecrows battle airport birds |
The Roomba's New Cousin Is Built for Custom Programming | WIRED
Tiny Robotic Bee Assembles Itself Like Pop-Up Book | Wired Enterprise |
iMEDIABLOG: Autonomous nano-quad rotor swarms flying formations.
Aggressive Maneuvers For Autonomous Quadrotor Flight | GRASP Laboratory - University Of Pennsylvania
Video: GRASP Lab Quadcopters Play the James Bond Theme on Actual Instruments | Popular Science
Robot Dragonfly - Gaming & Photography | Indiegogo
Solair Altius First Flight - YouTube
The $65 DIY robot that moves like a bug – What's Next - Blogs


▶ Hydrocopter - YouTube
Variable-Pitch Quadrotor Trajectory Generation and Control - YouTube
Quadrotor robots throw, catch and balance inverted pendulum | RobAid
Flying Robots Build A Tower Near Paris : Krulwich Wonders... : NPR
SLAM with Kinect on a Quadrotor - ROS robotics news
Robotic Quadcopters Work In Autonomous Swarms to Build Towers | Popular Science
Proto X EP 2.4GHz RTF - YouTube
Heli-Max 1Si Quadcopters - YouTube | LRP H4 Gravit Nano Quadcopter 2.4GHz
LaTrax Alias - High Performance Quad Rotor Helicopter - YouTube
▶ Estes Proto X (World's Smallest Production RC Quadcopter) - Review and Flight - YouTube
▶ WORLD'S FIRST SUBMARINE DRONE!! The "MARINER" Waterproof Drone, filmed in St Maarten, SXM, CARIBBEAN - YouTube
Mariner Rugged Quadcopter Waterproof RC Drone 6CH Brushless ARF
MIT Drones Dance Their Way Around Obstacles | Popular Science
DARPA Put Robot Legs On A Helicopter Drone | Popular Science

mBot Software

Makeblock Academy | mBot resources download
mBlock Download
Makeblock Academy | Course download
Dropbox - Scratch 2.0 The Adventures of Mike.pdf
Dropbox - mBlock Kids maker rocks with the robots.pdf
Makeblock Academy
Makeblock library for Arduino: Makeblock library for Arduino

Turtlebot Robot

Robots/miabotPro - ROS Wiki

Computers, Computing, Controllers, Sensors, Actuators, Vision

Raspberry Pi robot will make you coffee -
Friden Model STW-10 Electro-Mechanical Calculator
3DR Pixhawk - 3DRobotics Inc
MultiWii PRO Flight Controller w/MTK GPS Module
6.1 Technical dimensions - 3-Finger Adaptive Robot Gripper Instruction Manual - Robotiq support on Confluence
Why everybody wants a slice of Raspberry Pi -
Robot Operating System (ROS) Support from MATLAB - Hardware Support
Brooke's Sensors page
VRML - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Free Binomial Probability Confidence Interval Calculator
MATLAB - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Simulink - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stateflow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
VRML Plugin and Browser Detector
Mechanical Calculating Machines - YouTube
IBM announces a milestone in pursuit of chips that behave like human brains - The Washington Post
What Your Old Graphing Calculator Says About Technology - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic
Princeton Vision Group - Prof. Jianxiong Xiao
Minion | Constraint Modelling

Robot Analysis, Education

Robohub | news, views and everything robotic
Most downloaded models - GrabCAD
Physics by Demonstrations
Explore Cornell - Digital Library of Kinematics - Introduction
Euclid Research - Motion Sensor Reference
Web-Based Mechanism Design and Analysis
Scilab Home Page
Robot Books
Repliee Q1expo and Repliee Q2
Science & Technology at Scientific A Robot in Every Home -- [ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ] -- The leader of the PC revolution predicts that the next hot field will be robotics
Microsoft Robotics Studio
Robot Simulation Software
A matlab-based simulator for autonomous mobile robots | Innovative Production Machines and Systems Conference
Welcome to IEEE Xplore 2.0: Development of Robot Simulation Software for Five Joints Mitsubishi RV-2AJ Robot Using MATLAB/Simulink and V-Realm Builder
Download Robot Simulator - Robot Simulator - Simulation Model of Industrial Robot Manipulator - Softpedia
Researchers engineer "touch" into modern controls
Flight Laboratory - The University of Montana-Missoula
Buehler's Robotics Projects
Robotic Links
PASCO : Home
Wiley::Introduction to Robotics: Analysis, Control, Applications
LEGO Education |
3D CAD Design Software SolidWorks
Robots and machines from the history books: Mr. Roboto | MNN - Mother Nature Network
Antikythera mechanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
modlab : Home Page
Paul Ford: What is Code? | Bloomberg
Feedback Systems, Astrom Murray book
Springer Handbook of Robotics - Multimedia Extension - Handbook of Robotics
Multimedia Extension - Springer Handbook of Robotics, Torsten Kroeger
Timeline: The Rise of Robots - IEEE - The Institute
How mechanical helpers have evolved during the past four decades

Robot Companies

American Android Corp. - YouTube
iRobot - Robots for the Real World : Home Page
Products & Technology
In Recession, Japanese Lay Off Robots -
Panasonic Has Big Plans for Robots -
iRobot contemplates the next big leap for robotics, Google’s along for the ride | This is my next...

Robot Toys, Kits

If you like Legos and robots, you will love TinkerBots — Tech News and Analysis
Paro (robot) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sony AIBO Robot Dog
Robot Store
Robosapien V2
Robosapien Info
ROBOSAPIENONLINE.COM - Unofficial Robosapien hacks and mods site
Welcome to Robotikits
Genetic Programming & Dancing Robots
Interactive Toy Concepts
FMA Direct : Product Detail The Official Web Site of LEGO ® products!
K'NEX - The World's Most Creative Construction Toy.
With Kinect Controller, Hackers Take Liberties -

PAW Robots, RIS Stories

Princeton Alumni Weekly: Home
Princeton Alumni Weekly: Robo Shop: Robotic guitar tuner
Princeton Alumni Weekly: Robo Shop: The manta bot
Princeton Alumni Weekly: Robo Shop: Submersible arm

MIT OpenCourseware

MIT OpenCourseWare | 2.12 Introduction to Robotics
MIT OpenCourseWare | 2.003J Dynamics and Control I
MIT OpenCourseWare | 2.004 Systems, Modeling, and Control II
MIT OpenCourseWare | 2.14 Analysis and Design of Feedback Control Systems
MIT OpenCourseWare | 2.72 Elements of Mechanical Design
MIT OpenCourseWare | 2.154 Maneuvering and Control of Surface and Underwater Vehicles
MIT OpenCourseWare | 2.76 Multi-Scale System Design
MIT OpenCourseWare | 16.412J Cognitive Robotics
MIT OpenCourseWare | 16.888 Multidisciplinary System Design Optimization
MIT OpenCourseWare | Engineering Systems Division
Ping - In School Systems, Slow Progress for Open-Source Textbooks -

Formal, Probabilistic, and Fuzzy Logic

History of Mathematics
Godel, Escher, Bach Resources
Is there a „Logic“ of Abduction?
Offline Robot Simulation Software
Cyberbotics : Software : Simulators

Formal and Fuzzy Logic

Formal logic
Turing Machine
The Church-Turing Thesis
Automated Theorem Proving
A formal theory of sets
Fuzzy Logic FAQ

Neural Networks/Clustering

Artificial Neural Networks Technology - TOC
ImmunoGrid — ImmunoGrid
Immunogrid: Education and Research Portal: Links
Steven H. Kleinstein, Ph.D.
Evolution of Three-Dimensional Cellular Automata: GA
Unsupervised learning and Clustering
Lecture 17 - minimum spanning trees
minimum spanning tree algorithms
Cluster Analysis
Unsupervised learning and Clustering
ADALINE Stabilization of an Inverted Robot Arm

Neural Networks

An Introduction to Neural Networks
Interactive Self-Organizing Map demonstrations (in Java)
Basic Neural Processes Tutorials
Excitable Cells
CALResCo Complexity Writings
The Biological Neuron

Google Image Result for
▶ Recent Developments in Deep Learning - YouTube
Deep Learning
Biggest Neural Network Ever Pushes AI Deep Learning - IEEE Spectrum
OpenCV: Face Detection using Haar Cascades
What is the difference between deep learning and usual machine learning? - Quora

Intelligent/Autonomous Systems

BBC News - Virtual arm eases phantom limb pain
Pondering Our Cyborg Future in a Documentary About the Singularity - Kasia Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg - The Atlantic
What Thomas Kuhn Really Thought about Scientific “Truth” | Cross-Check, Scientific American Blog Network
Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control
Artificial Life
NRL Learning/Robotics Research
Principled Negotiation
Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation
Open Agent Architecture (OAA)
Steering Behaviors
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Reinforcement Learning: A Survey
CALResCo Complexity Writings
Supplemental Electronic Material
Brain and Behavior (IPHY 3730), University of Colorado at Boulder
CLIPS: A Tool for Building Expert Systems
How Dangerous Could a Hacked Robot Possibly Be? -

Expert Systems/Search

Jess, the Java Expert System Shell
Google Search Technology
Case-Based Reasoning

Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control
Artificial Life
Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control
Intelligent Software Agents
The Leadership Playlist: The High-Tech Future of Body Language - On Leadership at
Rule induction: Ross Quinlan's ID3 algorithm
Building Classification Models: ID3 and C4.5
Ross Quinlan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rule induction - Ross Quinlan's ID3 algorithm.ppt
Your Brain on Computers - Attached to Technology and Paying a Price -
Coming Soon From the Air Force: Mind-Reading Drones | Danger Room |
Lockheed Martin developing ninja robots -
Engineering multi-agent systems with aspects and patterns
UCI Machine Learning Repository
New robots in the workplace: Job creators or job terminators? - The Washington Post
Anki Launches Real-Life Racing Game Compatible With iOS -- AppAdvice
Reducing Runway Incursions: Guidance for Airports
Runway Incursion Totals by quarter FY2013 vs. FY2012
Airline tarmac delays increase in July
Robots mania - The Washington Post
Helios transforms your iPhone into a telepresence robot
BBC - Future - Technology - Artificial intelligence: The machines with alien minds

Biological Antecedents, Biomimetics

Ant anatomy
The Daily Apple: Apple #387: Ant Muscles
DNA Microarray (Gene Chip)
Apes May Be Much Closer To Human Speech Than We Realized
Why are scientists sending a starfish-killing robot to the Great Barrier Reef? -
Artificial Skin Could Help Amputees Feel What They're Touching - NBC News
How the Science of Swarms Can Help Us Fight Cancer and Predict the Future | WIRED
A thermoregulation strategy: Japanese scientists build sweaty robot -
Drip, drip, drip. Japanese roboticists have borrowed a thermoregulation strategy from mammalian biology, creating a robot that keeps cool through perspiration.

RIS YouTube Clips

Norton Commando Transformer by Steve Twist - YouTube
YouTube - Lecture 1 | Introduction to Robotics
YouTube - Lecture 2 | Introduction to Robotics
YouTube - Inspired Bicycles - Danny MacAskill April 2009
YouTube - Flight of a bumble BEE in awesome slow motion
YouTube - Bird Control: Robot Peregrine Falcon versus Seagulls and Crows
YouTube - Insect-inspired Autonomous Microflyer
YouTube - Birds - peregrine falcon dives at 180 mph - Ultimate Killers - BBC wildlife

2009 Student Video Clips

YouTube - Robot Swarm driven by Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm
YouTube - particle swarm optimization
YouTube - PSO robot controller
YouTube - Swarm-bots finding a path
YouTube - AI Swarm Test No 1
YouTube - How genetic algoritm searchs for spatial median in 3D data?
YouTube - Jumping GA Man
YouTube - Evolution of Locomotion
YouTube - Evolution of neuro-controllers for a flapping-wing animat.
YouTube - Evolved neuralnet AI in CrystalSpace
YouTube - Flat Back - Evolved Virtual Creature
YouTube - NASA Robonaut Humanoid Space Robot
YouTube - Best Walker Ever
YouTube - Voyager in cyclone Valentina
YouTube - Festo SmartBird - Bird flight deciphered
Werktrein in Overpelt.wmv - YouTube
Festo Air_ray - YouTube
Jerry needs no help playing with his ball. - YouTube
rotor panorama - YouTube
Robot Daycare - Easier Way to Save GEICO - YouTube
Automated Flying Construction Robots - Brainiac
Video: Swiss Jumpglider Bot Leaps Into Flight, Inspired by Insects and Bats | Popular Science
KeepVid: Download YouTube Videos, Facebook, Vimeo, Twitch.Tv, Dailymotion, Youku, Tudou, Metacafe and more!

Robotics Competitions

NASA - Sample Return Robot Return Challenge at WPI Concludes
Tournament Details
Layer 8: New DARPA challenge wants unique algorithms for space applications
Welcome to the FIRST Robotics Competition |
Orbital Express - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Europe Gears Up for Land, Air, and Sea Robotics Competition - IEEE Spectrum