GRADUATE ALUMNI/AE Advised by Robert F. Stengel

Reunions Party, May 29, 1999

Reunions Party, June 1, 2004

Reunions Party, June 1, 2006

Some remarks made at the 2006 reunion:

Your average class year is 1989, with a standard deviation of 7. Therefore, you are a bona fide old timer if you graduated before 1982 or a youngster if after 1996. In any event, I still think of all of you as being between 22 and 28.

I was blessed when each of you decided to attend graduate school at Princeton. We had a magical experience together, as we taught each other things that neither of us knew before. As a consequence, we told the world things that it didn't know about:

We flew aircraft at Princeton's Flight Research Laboratory until 1983. When we began, most flight simulations and control systems used analog electronics, the high-speed digital line between the hangar and the computer center operated at 300 baud, and PCs, word processors, spreadsheets, PDAs, cellphones, the WorldWide Web, CDs and iPods (even the Walkman) had yet to arrive in force. Still, most of you were spared the need to use slide rules or green semilogarithmic graph paper -- but your cursive script handwriting degraded over time.

In the mean time, you have followed your stars, becoming entrepreneurs, test pilots, engineers, analysts, innovators, professors, and inventors. You and your spouses (spice?) have raised families, sent children off to college, and even become grandparents. What a joy it has been to watch your lives unfold. My namesake, baseball manager Casey Stengel, is reputed to have said, "Ability is getting credit for all the home runs that somebody else hits." He also said, "Now there's three things that can happen in a ball game: You can win, you can lose, or it can rain."

Thank you for hitting a lot of home runs, for fending off the rain, and for providing all of us with a winning season.

Ph.D. Degree Recipients

M.S.E. Degree Recipients
Last updated May 7, 2018.
Copyright 2018 by Robert F. Stengel. All rights reserved.